To deal with some experience in English teaching in several educational and business institutions has directed me to contribute to students presentation skills improvement. It is understandable that the ability to convey a certain material before an audience is one of the most difficult skills in the realm of English speaking skills, especially when English is not our mother tongue. I found that even some students with good English speaking command may encounter a problem to deliver a good presentation due to a number of obstacles such as how to prepare good material, to interact with the audience or to deal with some relevant attitude during presentations. It may turn more complicated in the context of business presentations which demand the performance of a presenter. In this case, business presenters are to show their credibility, while in the same time a business presentation may also represent an image of the business they deal with. My teaching experience was even more interesting when I was assigned to deal with a subject of English for specific purpose at campus where I work, namely Business English Presentation. This prompted me to focus on exploring several aspects related to developing skills in that discipline. In some classes, I found some students experienced some problems as to deal with appropriate language – vocabulary and expressions to use – besides the need of preparing and mastering the material to present. Further, students come with some rooms for improvement which are to be accommodated simply by providing sufficient opportunities to practice and get relevant feedback. To contribute through this book, in the first chapter of this book, is arranged to focus on presentation basics – exposing some basic knowledge related to a business. The students are exposed to some knowledge of the nature of presentation, method of delivery, audience analysis, and voice quality and nonverbal language aspects. They are presented in form of texts to comprehend, thus some vocabulary exercises are given to facilitate the activities. The next chapters 2 through 7 are prepared to improve students skills in preparing a presentation. The chapters expectedly guide the students to make outlines and develop their ideas. In this phase, the students are also to work with some important vocabulary and expressions enrichment activities to improve their presentation skills. Through the sessions, they should also be more facilitated with practices of every part they learn. To continue, chapters 8 through 11 of the book provide some business situations as the topics to work with. Typical vocabulary and expressions are also arranged to support students mastery. And finally, the last two chapters are prepared to contribute additional speaking and vocabulary enrichment strategies – vague language and hesitations and circumlocution.